What are those yellow eyes and a face only a mother could love glaring back at you in the nighttime? These African primates are so strange-looking that they will stop you dead in your tracks while you try to comprehend how something so weird could exist. From googly eyes, to frizzy bushy tails, to a snaggletooth snarl, here are the weirdest African primates that’ll have you have you scratching your head.
Rod Waddington / Flickr.com Creative Commons by SA 2.0
Albert Einstein called — he wants his hair back. This primate from Madagascar earned its name because it resembles “heh heh” in Malagasy, which is exactly the kind of noise you’d make when you’re startled by this strange-looking creature. It’s noted for its long, bony fingers and its middle finger is quite longer and thinner than its other extremities. Unfortunately, Aye-Ayes are on the endangered species list due to deforestation and some locals believing they’re the harbinger of evil doings which results in them being killed.
Eric Kilby/Flickr.com Creative Commons by SA 2.0
De Brazza’s Monkey
Yes, that’s a legitimate name for a species of monkey. If Pablo Picasso painted a portrait of Kim Jung-Un, it would probably resemble something like a De Brazza’s Monkey because of the hairdo. Known for its bushy white beard that gives it a wise old man look, it’s no wonder why we included it on this list.
Tambako The Jaguar/Flickr.com Creative Commons By ND 2.0
Colobus Monkey
The Colobus Monkey has fabulous silky long tufts that would bring Paul Mitchell to tears and perhaps be Pepe Le Pew’s newest crush. We’re not sure why he’s looking so glum since it basically has a built-in pimp coat to show everyone who’s the king of the forest. When a baby colobus is born, it’s all white, making it a strange-looking baby primate. Later on, it will develop a darker coat colors and a beautiful mane.
Leonard Floyd/Flickr.com Public Domain Dedication
Gelada Baboon
This primate looks like it’s trying to show off some cleavage in the winter. Gelada Baboons reside in Ethiopia’s Simien Mountains and are recognized for their hairy appearance, elongated faces and bald pink spot in the shape of a triangle on their chests. When threatened, the baboons have an advantage of being able to climb over cliffs to escape predators, giving them better chances of survival.
Eric Kilby/Flickr.com Creative Commons By SA 2.0
Did a child paint their imaginary friend and make it come to life? Because that’s exactly what a Mandrill looks like. If you think its face is quite shocking and attention-grabbing, wait until you see its rear end. Its buttocks is known for sporting gorgeous colors of blue and purple in the same coloring of its face. They’re nature’s fashionistas with matching shoes and purses.
Mathias Appel/ Flickr.com Public Domain Dedication
Madagascar Lemur
It’s the drunk uncle everyone warns you about at parties, the kind that gives you weird looks no matter what you’re doing. And because it’s not weird enough, it bounces on its tail to get around because that’s exactly what lemurs do. The best time to catch it in the wild is probably at four in the morning when it’s being a creeper.
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