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Man Pulls A Buried Chain And What He Unearths Changes His Life



By Jake Schroeder

It was just a typical day of treasure hunting for Mike. He has done this a couple of times already that sweeping a trail has somehow become a routine. As he strolled by land that he didn’t own, his metal detector started to beep loudly.

The raucous sound of Mike’s machine was not part of his typical day of treasure hunting. His mind stopped wandering and his heart began beating fast. What did he stumble upon? Mike had to call the cops because this life-changing event needed some authority figures.

A Rainy Day

It was a rainy and grey day when Mike headed out of his door. His hobby had him outside whether it was rain or shine. He didn’t mind the rain or the wind.

He really liked sweeping his metal detector around as he walked, anticipating the beeping of the machine saying that it discovered something. This time outside wasn’t any different until Mike’s metal detector started going off like crazy.

The Hope of Buried Treasure

We all get excited when we think about possibly finding buried treasure, kids in particular. There are many games that involve the concept of finding something that’s been hidden. Who doesn’t like ‘hide and seek’, or scavenger hunts?

There’s a thrill in being the one to find something that’s been hidden. This is the exact feeling that had Mike taking out his metal detector and making it into a hobby of his. However, he would never guess what he was about to discover.

Paid Off

The excitement of finding something that has been hidden for a very long time. Never knowing what you will find on any given adventure. This precisely what Mike was about to discover on this fateful day.

Mike’s heart was racing as he listened to his metal detector beeping. What did he just find? An old silver dollar? A can of beans? He never in his craziest dreams expected to find what he had just uncovered.

History Fanatic

Mike was a lover of history, a history fanatic if you will. That is exactly why thinking back on what he found on that fateful day still excites him. The fact that he unearthed something that old and hidden sent a tingling sensation through him.

Of the many items that he has found, this one is without a doubt his favorite. Because Mike was such a history lover, he never thought he would be the one to find such an incredible historical item.

A Unique Hobby

It is pretty common to find people reading, watching movies, playing some sort of game, or shopping during their downtime. Others have slightly more uncommon hobbies, like fishing, painting, or tap dancing. Mike’s hobby, however, was far more unique.

Mike is what is called a Detectorist. That is what people like Mike are called, those who search for things with their metal detector. He spends his time walking fields and beaches searching for buried “treasure”.


Usually, Mike doesn’t find that’s very exciting. But his hobby is an exciting one, and one that got Mike hooked. He goes out time and again to try and get that beep out of his detector. He goes to areas where he thinks that there could be a high rate of success.

He deals with a lot of disappointment when his detector beeps at a can or a piece of debris, but sometimes he finds something of value. Nothing that he had ever found before, though, could prepare him for this day.

A Specific Type of Person

Not a lot of people would be willing to go outside despite the weather the way Mike does from time to time. You can find Mike outside in rain or shine pursuing his hobby. That is the type of hobby it is too.

The weather where Mike lives, in Pembrokeshire, England, is rainy much of the time. He’s used to going out when it’s cold and wet to search for some treasure.

Not Much Hope

In addition to dealing with tough weather sometimes, detectorists have to handle a pretty decent amount of disappointment when they don’t find anything valuable. Most of the time they find debris and other sorts of junk.

Mike didn’t have much luck in his area. He often found pennies. However, Mike’s detectorist luck was about to change in a huge way. This was going to be a day for the books.

Different Plan

Mike typically went to a field by his house with the metal detector. He liked sweeping through that field often but today he didn’t know that he would not be able to.

That week, there was a major storm. When Mike got to the field he saw that it was totally waterlogged and that there was no chance he could walk on it. He needed to change his plans

His Luck Was About To Change

Mike chose a random other fields instead of his usual one. He had a gut instinct that this day was going to be different than the rest. He had no clue that something lay buried out there just waiting to be discovered.

Mike took his metal detector and went to the field. He began with his usual search tactics, sweeping his detector back and forth as he walked through the muddy terrain. He has no idea what waited for him.

Never Giving Up

As Mike spent his time sweeping through that field, he was excited to be spending his time doing his favorite thing. He didn’t have a clue as to how this day was going to change his life. He thought that perhaps he would find a cool old coin or something like that.

But the field had much more to it than met the eye. This field held the most important and meaningful find Mike had ever made. This field held an ancient secret that it finally decided to share with the world.

It’s Out There

Mike was sweeping his metal detector as he usually did. There was nothing at first, but then his machine started beeping, telling Mike that something was near, he just needed to find its specific location by sweeping further.

He began walking around, trying to narrow the options down. But the beeping wouldn’t let up. This didn’t make any sense to him. How could he not be able to narrow down the location of this object?

Always Hopeful

Mike was super confused. How was he unable to isolate the object under his feet? It didn’t make any sense. After some time his only conclusion was that his metal detector wasn’t working right.

Mike didn’t want to give up even with thinking his machine wasn’t working well. His gut instinct once again told him to keep looking around. Despite the rain and the technical difficulties, Mike continued.

What Is It?

The only other explanation to why he couldn’t pinpoint a specific location is if the object under his feet was very big. While that didn’t seem likely, Mike had to know. So what was happening here?

His curiosity took hold of him and so he couldn’t give up what may be his big discovery. Little did Mike know he was right, very right. This was going to be a day he would never forget.

Crazy Imagination

Mike didn’t have a choice, he had to start digging. He couldn’t ignore his gut and the possibility that he just found something amazing under the ground. He started digging in a spot he chose; he had no idea what he was about to unearth.

Crazy notions started coming into his head, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that this was different than all the other things he had found up until this point. What was lying down there? he wondered.

Digging Through Mud

He had to put aside the metal detector, pulled out the trowel and began digging. The muddy ground had no chance against him. It wasn’t long before he hit a round hunk of metal in the ground.

He had no idea what it could be. He kept on digging so he could get a better view of the object.

Digging Deeper

After a while, he started digging with his hands until he managed to get a solid hold on it. Hw was so anxious to see what he found. Could it finally be something valuable?

He tried to pull the object out but despite using all of his strength, it wouldn’t move. What on earth was buried down here?

Around and Around

The piece of metal was rusted but was strong enough not to move no matter how hard Mike pulled. He tried again and again but nothing moved.

He wasn’t about to give up, though, and so he paused his efforts and thought of his other options. Mike decided that he would dig around the object to see if he could loosen it.

Not Giving Up Now

When Mike was working on clearing the mud around the object he noticed that it was linked to something else. What could this possibly be?

What could possibly be so heavy beneath this dirt that he couldn’t make it budge even a little? Mike couldn’t give up now!

Exposing The Mystery

He kept on digging. He exposed one link and then another. The more of this he exposed the more confused Mike got at what was taking shape before him.

When he finally pieced it together, he felt a shiver run through him. He felt a mix of sensations, from confusion and shock to excitement and nervousness. He couldn’t believe what was right in front of him.

A Chain

Mike stumbled across a very weird object, that was for sure. The object came with iron links that seemed endless. He couldn’t wrap his mind around what this chain was connected to and buried in this area for.

The deeper he got into the ground, the more information he started to get about where it led. What was this iron chain attached to? Mike was so curious, he was not about to let this find go now.

Running Out of Daylight

As Mike was digging, he noticed that he was running out of daylight. Soon he wasn’t going to be able to see where he was digging anymore. He ran to his can to get a flashlight so that he could continue digging.

Mike shouted out an expletive when he realized he didn’t have his flashlight on him. He didn’t want to, but he had to leave the site of his find for the night. He didn’t have enough time to solve this mystery today.


Mike barely slept that night, and he told only his very best friend about his find. During the night, Mike thought up a few theories as to what he might find connected to that old rusty chain.

When he did finally fall asleep, he had nightmares filled with everything he had seen that day. He couldn’t wait for the sun to come up so he could run back out.

Possibly Dangerous

Could there be something dangerous down there? Mike was beginning to worry that he was not unearthing something wonderful and ancient, but something that was not meant to be found.

There were many explanations as to what could be down there, but not all of them led to a happy ending. Could he be in a more dangerous situation than he thought?

Positive Thinking

He had read in the past that there were a few old burial sites that were found below Pembrokeshire, but that was not comforting to him at all.

Could this be another burial site? He really hoped it was not one. However, he had no clue what he was about to unearth. He was getting anxious.

Anxious and Nervous

Not knowing what this was filled Mike with a sense of horror he couldn’t ignore. He knew it was better for him to think positively.

He wasn’t going to let this find go, but he was very nervous as to what was about to happen. He was scared but he was also sure he was going to see this through.

Mysteries Everywhere

Mike knew that his home of Pembrokeshire was described as a land of mystery and enchantment by an 11th-century author who wrote the folktale volumes The Mabinogion.

The tales were filled with magic, mystery, and fantasy. Mike was sure about one thing – anything was possible when it came to his neck of the woods.

Surrounded By Sea

The last Welsh outpost is an island of its own, surrounded by the Celtic Sea. This outpost continues to be a source of legend and mystery. There are many questions about the place, and about what Mike was about to discover.

The questions that ran through his mind were both exciting and terrifying to him. There were many possibilities as to what he was about to unearth, an answer to this mysterious place is one of them.

What Lay Ahead

Considering this area is known for its mystical and wondrous tales, as well as being a very old place, it’s no surprise that it has gotten a reputation as one of the most haunted places in the world.

Mike didn’t let these thoughts scare him off finding out what his metal detector found. But he also had no idea that he was about to come in direct contact with something very eerie and old from the country’s past.

By Morning

The second the sun came up, he was already out of the door. He went to find his discovery site right away. He had to find out what was below the surface and linked to this chain.

As soon as he got to the field, he parked his car and walked fast to the spot he was in just the day before. He took in a huge sigh of relief when he saw that no one touched his site. Mike got back to digging immediately.

Getting the Police Involved

What could be lying under all of this soil for so many years? He had no idea that it would lead him to calling the police by mid-day. Mike was going to do just that.

He wasn’t going to let anything deter him from uncovering the mysterious item. He dug and dug and came across something he wasn’t expecting. What he found would end up shocking the authorities as well.

A Chilling Find

The site was exactly the same as Mike had left it the night before. He was prepared to get to digging even though he felt nervous about what he was about to uncover.

He got to work with a new sense of determination. He continued to dig until he noticed something that sent a shiver down his spine.

About To Solve the Mystery

That’s when the trowel hit a smooth surface. His eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when he cleaned off the dirt from the hard and brown object.

Mike was shocked at what he was staring at. The more dirt he removed the less he believed what he was seeing. He knew he had no choice but to call someone.

A Sinister Discovery

He had a metal detection hobby and was serious about it so he knew what the laws were. But he didn’t expect that he would ever need to call the police on one of his finds.

While he knew the laws about making major discoveries, he never imagined he would be the one to find something that needed reporting. He was stunned to be in this situation.

Unearthing Bones

Mike’s dig was supposed to be a fun adventure, but he knew the minute he found the human remains that this was way out of his league. What could this all mean?

When Mike started as a detectionist, he dreamed about the finds that he would make. However, this was not at all one of them. The ramifications of this discovery were many…

Calling For Help

He inspected the item he unearthed in his hand and was horrified to learn that he was holding a tooth! A molar, to be specific. He shivered at the realization that this was far more sinister than he imagined.

The more he inspected the tooth, the more he felt uneasy. It was then that it finally hit Mike as to what exactly he was holding onto.

Calling the Police

Mike called the National Museum of Wales before he called anyone else. But they only laughed at him on the phone.

He expected some form of horror or shock, never did he expect laughter. They didn’t believe what he was saying despite it being the truth.

Not Lying

“What the archaeologists said at the time was that because there had never been a find down here before, they didn’t believe it,” he recalled during an interview.

Mike couldn’t imagine anyone lying about a story like this one. He was not a liar and would never lie about something such as this, for certain. So how was he going to prove he wasn’t lying?

A Way To Convince Them

Mike needed to find a way to convince them that he wasn’t lying, so he said that he believed that there were human remains in the ground. As soon as he said that, the response was totally different.

The change in the story to human remains made it much more sinister. They were going to investigate now. But what would they find when they get into it?

Speechless Authorities

He waited for them to get there. When they did get there, Mike could see that they were still skeptical about what he had said but that they were also concerned. What he said he discovered could have some serious repercussions.

They asked Mike to take them to the site. “The look on their faces when they saw it said it all,” he said. He was grateful that they took him seriously enough to come and help him.

Excavating the Object

The excavation process of the item started in June. Archeologists unearthed two rusty iron chariot wheels. That was exactly what they needed to authenticate in order to make this one promising find.

What the archeologists found was incredible. Not a soul imagined that they were standing on a site so monumental – a Celtic chariot burial site!

Telling His Friends

Mike had found a complete ancient chariot that had been buried in the ground for many years. It was not uncommon to find these years ago, but finding a site like this was very rare.

“My first find was a Celtic horse harness junction piece,” Mike told reporters. “When I found it my friends said I would never top it, but the next day I went back and found the rest.” But there was more.

What More Was There?

After he dug around the object around eight inches deep, Mike found other decorative pieces, such as a bronze bridle fitting, brooch, and other tools.

Where did these items come from? He was anxious to piece this story together and couldn’t wait to see what the proper authorities would find out. It seemed like forever before he heard back.

Proceeding with Caution

The items had all turned green due to corrosion, though some of the bronze pieces were still encased in bright red enamel. He wanted to be incredibly careful with the pieces since he wasn’t sure if they were valuable or not.

Mike carefully excavated the items so he didn’t hurt them in any way. He was so happy to be the one to have found this and be a part of this amazing team working on it.

He Was Amazed

“This is unprecedented,” he said, “and underneath the chariot, there is still the three-meter metal anomaly. If you go by other chariot finds there could be weapons or it could even be a treasure.”

There were so many more possible items that could be unearthed due to the size of the site. Mike was amazed!

A Dream Come True

It is not too uncommon to find burial chariots like this one across Europe. But it was a special case as this one was found in the United Kingdom and was the first of its kind.

Mike originally thought that his dream was to find buried treasure, but this was far more than that. This went above and beyond his dreams.

Is This Real Life?

“I still can’t believe it,” he said. “Obviously I’ve read other people’s finds. I’ve watched them on the telly, and I’ve always thought, I wouldn’t mind finding that, it’s still surreal, and life-changing.”

Mike thought he was dreaming. He couldn’t believe that he had made such a discovery, he was used to watching this kind of thing on the television.

A Gut Instinct

He continued, “It was just instinct. I’d read all about chariot burials and just wished it could have been me, so finding this has been a privilege.”

The site of the find is now under legal protection and no one can just go sweeping with their metal detectors like Mike did. The protection is there to prevent looters from getting to the site.

Looking For Answers

Other than that, Mike needed to make sure that when he sold the items he found, it would be the legal way. So what did he get in all of this?

There were many things he found that he was seeking answers for. He spoke to the experts about finding out everything about each piece he excavated.

Keeping It Legal

In addition to that, Mike needed to sell each artifact in the strict way that the legal system adheres to.

Mike was aware that if he kept anything from the find that he could get into a lot of trouble. He handed everything over to the authorities when they asked. So what did he get?

Following the Law

All in all, he found 34 items in total. The items were sold to the museum, but Mike was compensated very well for them, which is great!

He split the profit with the individual who owned the field he was sweeping his metal detector on, but Mike had no problem with that. It made sense considering this wasn’t his land.

Sought-After Discovery

What Mike found has since become a very sought-after discovery. As a testament to how much it meant, the National Museum of Wales wanted to get the items into their archives.

Mike was stunned that a day that started out so normally, ended in the most unforgettable way. He couldn’t have known that his favorite field would be flooded and that here of all places he would find such an awesome relic.

Incredible Iron Age Find

A representative for the National Museum of Wales said the site was an incredible Iron Age find that could be developed into a larger project in the future. “Full excavation of the site and analysis of the find will need to be carried out before we can fully understand its importance. The site now enjoys legal protection.”

They added: “A preliminary excavation of the site where the artifacts were found was carried out jointly by Amgueddfa Cymru and Dyfed Archaeological Trust over the summer, partly funded by Cadw.”


This find revealed more important and exciting finds at a once unknown Iron Age archaeological site. The representative went on and said, “Amgueddfa Cymru is working with its partners on this continuing treasure case and in developing a detailed and fully funded proposal for further investigation.

It is intended that a wider museum project will be developed, to offer opportunities for local communities to become involved in revealing new stories about their prehistoric past.”

Rare Chance

Mike, who was of Milford Haven, knew just how amazing his find was, saying: “It’s rare to find it in that good condition – it’s rare to find in any condition.”

Clearly, he’s done detailed research on the subject and didn’t think lightly of this find. And he was right to do so. As the discovery continues to be researched, more and more information is being found out.

More Treasure

Mike and the police and other authorities had released several statements to the media about the discovery. One joint statement said: “These are now the subject of an ongoing treasure case in Wales.”

An initial dig of the site where the artifacts were discovered was carried out by Amgueddfa Cymru and Dyfed Archaeological Trust in unison, over the course of one summer and was partially funded by Cadw.

Young Hunter

Mike was a detectorist from the age of 12 years old. He got the metal detector from his dad one Christmas. Since that day he has had this hobby in his life in a huge way.

It was because of this that Mike dedicated his incredible discovery to his dad, John Smith, who was 79 years old at the time and getting special care after suffering from a stroke.

The Ancient Find

He commented: “I knew the importance of them straight away….I’d read all about chariot burials and just wished it could have been me, so finding this has been a privilege.”

The chariot is thought to be around 2,500 years old. However, the remains that Mike thought were human were thankfully that of an animal instead.

Old Traditions

There is still a lot of discussion about whether a chieftain or queen was buried along with the chariot. Mike did find a tooth, after all, a human one.

There were many tales of important people being buried along with their animals, such as in Egypt and China.

Buried Wheels

High-ranking authorities of the Iron Age typically were buried alongside their horses, chariot, tack, and weapon. During the dig, they found the top of chariot wheels. “Often the wheels were laid flat,” Mike explained.

These kinds of finds assist us to further deepen our understanding of the world of the past. Not very much is known about those from the past, so discoveries like these are very important.

In Shock

“But this one appeared to have been buried intact. It could have had the chieftain or queen sitting in it. There would have been a mound over it but that has gone.”

He was in shock at the incredible find he made. The fact that it was incredibly different from all of his finds in the past made this a rare and unique find.

Something Right Out of a Sci-Fi Movie

After the authorities closed off the site to the public, they ran the area with ground-penetrating radar. What they ended up finding was right out of a science fiction movie!

The researchers were hoping to find more, but this was much more than that. Mike had a feeling about this place, and he was right.


The excavation used geophysical technology to look farther underground. They were able to map the layers below them. With that, they found a ring ditch, a circular earthwork that measured 12 meters. It was all about the site.

Earthworks are commonly used and found, but this and many others are still a mystery.

Additional Ring Ditches

Archeologists also discovered two more burials, both in-ring ditches as well. They also found a complex of walls. These additional finds convinced the researchers that this was a Celtic settlement that has stayed hidden for many many years.

“The actual field is very large and it is only in the corner of this field. But the settlement is also going into other nearby fields,” Mike explained. This meant that the discovery was even larger than anyone had ever expected.

How To Continue

The principal curator of prehistoric archaeology at the museum, Adam Gwilt, explained, “These chariot pieces may have been witness to some of the historical events of the time, as Iron Age peoples defended their ways of life and identities…”

The iron age was from 1200 B.C to around 550 B.C. This was when man initially learned how to create steel and iron and to make it into all sorts of things, such as weapons and decorations.

What’s Next?

“…in the face of an expanding Roman empire. Something like this takes a lot of organization and funding as well so we’ve been working with a number of partners to put together what’s needed to do a continuing investigation.

Mike was very proud of what he’d discovered, and Adam Gwilt was in disbelief too. So what’s next? Would there be another find? Was Mike about to hang up his detector?

Working On It

He went on to say, “Something like this takes a lot of organization and funding as well so we’ve been working with a number of partners to put together what’s needed to do a continuing investigation.”

There was an additional question that everyone wanted the answer to. How much was it all worth? Every hidden treasure is valuable in some way. But what about find this huge?

From The Iron Age

“You’re definitely talking six or seven figures,” Mike Smith stated. “It’s the biggest ever metal detecting finds, as in there’s never been a chariot ever discovered by a metal detectorist. There have been hoards found, but never anything like this.”

This means Mike will net a cool million out of this incredible find if the assumptions of the worth are true!

The Celts

One open issue that stands: Who were the Celts? The answer to that isn’t as simple as you would think. The Celts were several tribes that began in central Europe. They shared a close language, religious traditions, and culture.

Over the years, the Celts spread out throughout Europe. To this day, their legacy is well-known in Ireland and Great Britain, where traces of their language and traditions are still alive.

Early Findings

The very first documentation of the Celts happened in the eight century B.C. The Roman Empire was ruling at the time on the majority of Southern Europe. They called the Celts “Galli”, meaning barbarians.

The majority of what we know about the Celts comes from the documentation by the Romans.


Despite what the Romans thought, the Celts were not at all barbarians. Many elements of their culture and speech have made it through to today.

The Celts were found in other places than the United Kingdom. Evidence of Celtic settlements has been discovered throughout Europe and many of their cultural ways and rites are still alive and well today.


The Celts took hold of a lot of Europe north of the Alps by around the third century B.C., including what today is Ireland and Great Britain. These islands to the West of Europe are the ones that continued to allow the Celtic culture to survive as the Roman Empire took over more and more of the land.

Century Lasting Traditions

The Roman armies did what they could to invade Britain but were not successful. The Celts were then able to make it their homeland as a result.

Due to their settlement in Britain, there are a lot of traditions in Scotland, Wales, and Ireland that come from Celtic roots.


Brittany, the area in the northwestern corner of today’s France, was home to Britons and Gauls. The Celtic tradition survived in the area since it was so isolated from the rest of Europe.

A lot of French “Bretons” also tend to wear coiffes, traditional Celtic hats. Also, and about a quarter of the area’s people speak Breton, a Celtic language similar to Welsh.


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