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Family kitchen time with kids of all ages



By Vera Q.O

“No, that’s a dangerous and dirty place for kids.”

“You can’t rely on promise.”

“Waste too much time.”

All messed up? It actually will help you and your kids of all ages.


YES, food is a great way to bring everyone together all over the world, it is the moment that dwells in our head with family, friends, colleagues, business, and so on. It brings us the satisfaction of being complete in some situations, and a place to make friends.

SO, young people start to know this close friend nearby, and how to process to present them finally in all various ways, which is hard to lead them from the raw ingredients.

AND, it does help to the development of your children, by patient observation, careful actions, thoughtful comprehension, and moments of happy communication with the family.

Children at age of 3-5

Mostly they are watching and they will definitely devote on more cooking hours than usual.

But this process will help them develop their senses, knowing names of vegetables and spices to go tickling their curiosity and reasoning as to what the adult is doing step by step.

As a parent, you definitely have to be communicative and patient.

  • For safety, make sure they are not around when you fry or cooking for a number of people, because you may be in a hurry and neglect certain situations, besides, oily smoke is not good for the lungs, even if the air vacuum is on.
  • To be talkative, your family will suddenly see you as the chattery person, even if you were never the type but such communication with kids can open up empathy towards reaching out to them, but yes, that could be the time for babies and young toddlers to learn, as you are explaining the ingredients in steps.
  • To be patient is easier said than done. A parent has to split thinking at that moment, one is cooking and making sure it is delicious as usual, and the other is answering questions from your child or children. And get ready, there may be a question that you are not able to figure out immediately, or you may not understand it exactly, but it is a moment to understand your kids better.

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Basic conversation suggestions:

  • Paste jam on bread with a spoon, not butter knife;
  • Pass on tissues or harmless accessories;
  • Get themselves a proper dose of food;
  • Crack eggs for a parent to open and they clap hands;
  • Measure rice or flour for the parent by counting with tools;
  • Clean the table again and again, after you point to them where to clean off, you will see how serious they are;
  • Handover general ingredients to parents, etc.

Preschooler and young school-kids at age of 6-10

They are ready to help and eager to accomplish the mission. As a parent, don’t forget to compliment them with a big smile.

Actually, about these ages, kids are normally more curious than ever because they are able to move around easily and efficiently under protection by themselves. So they are braver to take risks for trying new things, exploring all environ.

In the kitchen, you mostly have various fun things for various purposes without chemicals or danger to them, which may be an old talk to you. Especially, these trivial things can help them to be more responsible, increase persistence, concentration, consideration, endurance, etc., and having fun at the same time.

The amazing part for this age is, you can develop vocabulary, math, physics, biology and health education as additional classes to them in real life. During the activity, kids are able to see, hear, feel, smell and operate themselves.

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Basic things to do:

  • The arrangement, what to prepare and how to keep them safe and clean;
  • Wash fruits or vegetables properly, and dry them properly;
  • Peal onions etc. which doesn’t require sharp tools;
  • Unwrap packages and classify them into correct trash cans;
  • Tear lettuce or green leaves for salad;
  • Pour water or milk for each family members;
  • Measuring spice or cooking ingredients to be prepared in the certain quantity required;
  • Beat eggs or split the yolk and egg white (this is their favorite thing till they enter middle school);
  • Blend juice or mash potatoes with a blender or electrical machine;
  • Read the recipe for you or scroll the page for you;
  • Place table and arrange few details which they are able to;
  • Take empty plates back into the plate-washer or sink.

Surely, some of the above require parent’s help before they are able to complete such task properly by themselves, explain the importance of the instructions equally, e.g., not to put fingers and head close to the blender when it is working, not touching electrical plugs while hands are wet  and digging into extension is prohibited, leave the broken plates to parents even if they will be angry, etc.

So go back to the rules of being talkative and patient. Kids will not complain again, why your parents talk nineteen to the dozen.

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School children at age of 11-15

Parent finally doesn’t have to talk nineteen to the dozen anymore, although you are used to it now, please it is the time to pause that nerve for their age.

With parent’s continuous training, they are responsible for the more complicated missions now, but it also comes with the most important issue – safety. They are able to understand and operate many appliances in the kitchen, including sharp object, electrical and need for proper use of resources as water, etc.

Sometimes they would like to enjoy the moment without your assistance just to impress and surprise you. This is when Kitchen rules are officially declared at this age.

Typical things to do:

  • Preheat the oven, or warm food with microwave;
  • Crack and stir eggs;
  • Stir sauce or fry eggs or bacon on the stove with supervision;
  • Peel apples or potatoes, or other fruits (with a safe peeler)
  • Sift flour, scoop rice, also wash rice or mix flour with water when a parent is not in a hurry (they fight to make it as you can, even if actually messed up sometimes);
  • Use a rolling pan or cut bread doze, or spoon butter into pan or tray;
  • Help make the grocery list, and calculate the amount;
  • Cutting and dicing fruits and veggies.

Parent have to observe the children, it is only when they are ready to start cutting and dicing. Before they start, be sure to talk about how to hold the knife, position your hand, and safety instructions with knives, e.g. holding tightly and being ready not to shake once start to cut, or making sure to place the knife firmly on the board or space, where it will not be on your way, once it falls, do not try to catch and leave a space for it, also if your child will use the knife again, tell them not leave in a sink full of dirty dishes and water.

Actually, at this age, children definitely learned more than their younger age, and they are able to comprehend more complicated definitions and instructions, so it is a chance to practice the knowledge they have learned from school and by listening to their perception and understanding to you.

Parents are able to hear many close talks from children in a very relaxing mood, and will not be so disagreeable to your opinion.

The kitchen is not only a place for food making, it also is part of your family space to dwell in harmony.

  • Thank you for sharing with your loved ones, if you appreciate the tips, please indicate the source and the original writer, my gratitude for understanding.
  • The article (in both English and Chinese), written by the writer. It is coincident if it is similar to any other ones’.
  • The picture is selected from internet public ones, as for any dispute, please contact the writer to change it.
  • If you have more to ask the writer or share with her, you may contact or She is our constant content provider with her education publication and novels.

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