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Would you like to share your opinion, knowledge, expert, experience, wish, words, attitude, and your way with more population to find your circle?
We never miss a single talent for sharing unique perspectives and would stand for meaningful ideas to improve a better life or having fun for life.
Please pay attention to these:
- BGIG Sign up to have an account with BRJ’s blog – BGIG, to be able to post your writing.
- We accept a post with insanely useful content. We always ask ourselves: ‘How can readers benefit from this?’
- Your post must be original and not previously published (on the web or in print) against any copyright.
- Ensure that your post does not violate any copyright laws, or else, our website has all rights to delete it if we receive or are notified of any damage to other’s copyright, and we will not be held with the responsibility, but the author.
- Posts should aim for roughly 500-750 words and should be free of factual errors.
- Posts prefer to be in English priory, but other languages are welcomed with English translation if you have interesting contents to share and are not against the regulations within this instruction.
- Contents are related to finance, health, sports, news, comments, entertains, fashion, arts, music or movie or TV series release, Media (TV, Radio, Magazine, Zine, Newspaper), tour, hotel, restaurant, service, Science, Novel, Education, Reading materials, etc.
- Make sure to add a wide featured image to be posted along with your article.
- Please offer fresh content that has not been published times or years before.
- We are also looking for who would join to have Brjing Yearly Album to display in BRJ Libary and Pressing.
- Your post should not be an advertisement for your product or service, for marketing please contact us to cooperate.