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8 misconceptions about the common cold and the flu, debunked



Stay well this season with the right information about colds and influenza.

by Avery Allswell for Advil
Catching a cold from cold weather is one of the many misconceptions about the illness.

From receiving questionable advice from a well-meaning relative to falling down an internet rabbit hole, mixing up fact and fiction is easy to do when it comes to self-diagnosing a cold or the flu. And with flu season and COVID-19 happening together, it’s more important than ever to get the right information so that you can stay safe and well. While pretty much everyone can agree that being under the weather is no fun, making sure you’ve got the right information is a great starting point for getting better.

There are plenty of misconceptions about the common cold and the flu still swirling around today. Separating the facts from fiction may help you feel better faster.

Here are eight of the most common misconceptions out there.

Misconception No. 1: You can catch the flu from a flu shot

No, flu vaccines cannot cause flu illness! The best way to avoid getting the nasty flu is to get a flu shot — but a common falsehood is that the vaccine actually gives you the flu. In reality, the flu shot cannot cause transmission because it is made of inactivated or weakened viruses that will not cause illness, though some people may experience minor side effects from the vaccine according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Misconception No. 2: Getting the flu vaccine after Thanksgiving is pointless

According to the CDC, getting a flu shot can be beneficial throughout the entire season that flu viruses are circulating, which means well past Thanksgiving. The flu tends to peak between December and March each year, but it can last well into late spring.

Be aware that it can take up to two weeks for the vaccine to provide protection.

It’s important to get a flu shot, even if you get one later in the season.

Misconception No. 3: If you got vaccinated last year, it protects you from catching the flu this year

Experts recommend that people over the age of 6 months receive a flu vaccine every year. The vaccine’s effectiveness dwindles over time, making it important to keep immunization current for optimal protection. Additionally, each year’s vaccine is a specific formulation against the viruses that may be most common during the upcoming flu season, according to the CDC.

Misconception No. 4: You can catch a cold or the flu from not bundling up properly

You’ve probably heard some version of this advice in the winter: “Dry your hair before you go outside or you’ll catch a cold!” Whether it involves wet hair or insufficient clothing, a common misconception is that you can come down with a cold or the flu by being ill-prepared for the winter elements. In reality, you can only catch either illness by being exposed to the corresponding virus. Just because the cold and flu season overlaps with winter does not mean that cold weather causes these illnesses.

Misconception No. 5: A cold can morph into the flu

While it may seem this way due to overlapping symptoms, the common cold and the flu are caused by different viruses, meaning one cannot simply transform into the other. They are distinct illnesses, with the flu typically being more severe than a cold, according to the CDC.

Colds and flus are caused by different viruses.

Misconception No. 6: Treat a cold or flu with antibiotics

Because the common cold or the flu is caused by a virus, antibiotics are ineffective at combating their symptoms or their triggers, as explained by the American Lung Association. An exception is if your doctor determines that you have a bacterial complication on top of a cold or the flu. An over-the-counter pain reliever like Advil is a good option for potentially helping to relieve minor aches and pains associated with having a cold or flu, along with tried-and-true remedies like getting plenty of rest and drinking lots of fluids.

Misconception No. 7: Feed a cold, starve a fever

This old adage goes back centuries and arose from the belief that you could “cool down” a fever by fasting. But the saying should actually be “feed a cold, feed a fever,” according to Scientific American. Battling a cold or the flu requires your body to burn extra energy, so you need to eat. And, with both illnesses, drinking plenty of liquids is also important so that you avoid dehydration.

Misconception No. 8: Chicken soup can cure a cold

Although chicken soup may feel comforting when you’re sick, it’s not a cure-all.

While it can certainly help provide comfort when you’ve got a cold, a warm bowl of chicken soup cannot cure the illness altogether. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, drinking warm liquids like a chicken soup can help keep you hydrated, and the steam may help decongest your nose and throat. It’s a great at-home remedy, but it’s not a cure-all.

Now that you’re clear on the facts about the common cold and the flu, make sure your household is stocked with plenty of Advil. It’s a proven pain reliever that has been trusted for more than 40 years to help bring down fevers and reduce minor aches and pains. As the cold and flu season settles in for the winter, you’ll be happy to have a bottle of Advil in your medicine cabinet. And since the flu and COVID-19 sometimes have similar symptoms, rest assured that ibuprofen (the active ingredient in Advil) is listed as an essential medicine in the WHO guidelines for treating pain and fever associated with mild COVID-19.

To learn more about how Advil can potentially help relieve fever and minor aches associated with both the common cold and the flu, visit

Members of the editorial and news staff of the USA TODAY Network were not involved in the creation of this content.

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