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Diversifying cashflow in Retailing


In the retailing sector, revenues or income generation usually comes in limited forms.
Your retail strategy determines how extensive your source of revenue accrues to your company.


Shelve space leasing, aisle slots, margins on product sales from third party suppliers , loyalty 

membership cards, monetization of mined data with targeted marketing.

What Is a Private Brand?


A private brand is a good that is manufactured for and sold under the name of a 

specific retailer, competing with brand-name products. Also referred to as “private l

abel” or “store Brand”, prices for private brands tend to be less than those of nationally 

recognized name brand goods. Private brand items can provide retailers, such as 

supermarkets, with a better “margin” than the brand-name goods they also carry. 


If you run a super center supermarket, it is mandatory you equally invest in a generic private branding in 

certain goods. 



Walmart, Metro and Costco to a large extent has leaned heavily on this to ensure they stay competitive 

to consumers. Items such as spaghetti, almond nuts, staples, casual apparel, lamps, gifts.



This has positively impacted their income margins. As this removes any additional overheads on advertising ,



Which has given them greater profit margins. Since this items are likely to be purchased multiple times in a day 

or within a week. This way manufacturers and suppliers remain in check, in maintaining price stability. 



Sourcing for reliable and credible suppliers can be quite a task for retailers. Global sourcing with a reliable partner 

can successfully achieve the desired goals